Meet the …
2015 Linn County Lamb & Wool Fair Royal Court
Queen Danielle Hamlin
Scio, Oregon Age: 16
“My favorite events are when the bands play because everyone gets together
and talks, and when my church has the church service.”
Danielle enjoys her robotics team, youth group, working in the church nursery,
and other church activities.
Personal Sponsors: Hamlin Quarter Horses, Sherry Springer, Jack and Janeane
Knight, Covered Bridge Coffee House, BC Nelson DDS, Best Heating and Cooling, Top Hat Mushrooms, Zurfluh Mfg and Repair, Vonnie Fairman, Scio Christian Church, Clippers Unlimitted, Clevengers Automotive, Hairteasin.
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to reach the Photographer - Emily Hall Photography
Princess Haley Graves
Scio, Oregon Age: 17
“My favorite Lamb and Wool Fair event is the parade. It brings everyone together and
I get candy.”
Haley enjoys cheerleading, volunteering at school events like the Fall Festival, hiking
and art.
Personal Sponsors: Brandon Graves, Jasmine Graves, Garrick Balsly, Carol Stoeling.
Princess Tessa Nicholls
Scio, Oregon Age: 17
“[My favorite event is] the parade. The parade has a variety of different entries from throughout, not only our community, but others as well.” Tessa enjoys Volleyball, riding horses, and FFA.
Personal Sponsors: Jill Lundsford, Terry L. Parkison, Jim Burge, Linda Collingwood, Rachel Perine, Driftwood RV Park, Paragon Monitoring Center Staff.
Princess Nicole Murray
Scio, Oregon Age: 18
“Picking a favorite [event] is hard but the car show has to be on the top of my list. Even though I have no mechanical understanding of cars I appreciate the history of the cars and the time and work put into them.”
Nicole enjoys volunteering at the Scio Public Library, fiber arts, knitting, spinning, and weaving. She loves to draw, play the fiddle, and train her puppy.
Personal Sponsors: Moonlight Creations, Douglas M. Johnson DMD, Lebanon Animal Hospital, Oregon State Bridge Construction, Inc.
Princess Linda Navarro
Scio, Oregon Age: 18
“The Cruise-In is my favorite event. Ever since I was little, I grew up around cars and trucks due to the fact that I am a diesel mechanic’s daughter.”
Linda enjoys FFA, managing the girls’ varsity basketball team, riding quads, and helping her dad fix cars.
Personal Sponsors: MPP Piping Inc., Northwest Mechanical.